Welcome to Exceptional Innovations, Publisher of Educational Materials
Since 1984, Exceptional Innovations has been publishing special education & inclusive classroom publications—curriculum, instructional packages, multimedia kits, professional development materials, journals—designed to support students with varying abilities achieve to high standards. Of particular note is the evidence-based, Solve It! approach to teaching mathematical word problem-solving skills.
Exceptional Innovations also distributes Boundless Learning Co-Teaching products that provide practical educational approaches for 21st century special education & inclusive classroom settings.
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General Instructional & Curricular Products
Exceptional Innovations publishes educational materials—instructional packages and multimedia kits—that have been successfully field tested.
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Solve It! Math Problem-Solving Products
Teachers can help ensure that studetns success when solving mathematical word probelms with Dr. Marjorie Montague’s Solve It! instructional approach.
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Boundless Learning Co-Teaching Products
Exceptional Innovations offers Boundless Learning Co-Teaching products that provide practical educational approaches for 21st-century inclusive classrooms.
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