Solve It!

A Practical Approach to Teaching Mathematical Problem Solving Skills (Third Edition)
Authors: Marjorie Montague & Cynthia Warger
ISBN# 1-931311-16-1
Printed: $89.00 / #SIM001
Add to CarteBook: $79.00 / #e-SIM001
Add to CartTeachers can help ensure that students succeed when solving mathematical word problems with Dr. Marjorie Montague’s Solve It! instructional approach. Designed for students in middle school and high school, this version of Solve It! is particularly helpful for students who are having difficulties solving mathematical word problems. It was validated and refined in intervention studies with students between 12 and 18 years of age with mathematical learning disabilities.
The instructional guide and accompanying CD provide instructional guidelines, curriculum-based measures, the Math Problem Solving Assessment, scripted lessons, extension activities, student materials, and an Excel® spreadsheet application for creating student progress charts.
Teachers who use Solve It! can help students develop the processes and strategies used by good problem solvers. Solve It! provides explicit instruction in mathematical problem solving in lessons that:
- Teach critical cognitive and metacognitive processes.
- Improve students’ motivation to solve problems.
The instructional guide contains everything you need to use Solve It! Here is the table of contents:
- Overview of Solve It! Instruction
- Solve It! Instructional Components
- Solve It! Class Charts
- Solve It! Cue Cards
- Solve It! Scripted Lessons and Implementation Calendar
- Guidelines to Embed Solve It! in the Curriculum
- Solve It! Practice Sessions
- Solve It! Assessment
- Techniques to Foster Skill Maintenance and Generalization
- Solve It! Booster Sessions
- Solve It! Problem-Solving Extension Activities
- References
The Solve It! CD contains:
- Solve It! Overview (video format)
- Scripted Lessons 1-5
- Booster Lessons 1-2
- Additional Math Word Problems
- Student Activity Sheets
- Additional 1-2-3 Step Problems
- Math Problem Solving Assessment Short Form (MPSA-SF) in English and in Spanish; MPSA-SF Scoring and Interpreting
- Criterion-Referenced Assessments, including Pretest/Posttest (English and Spanish), Maintenance Checks (10 problems), and Mastery Checks (3 problems)
- Student Cue Card Assembly Instructions and Student Cue Card
- Class Chart (RPV-HECC)
- Class Chart (Say-Ask-Check)
- Class Star Chart
- Paper Student Progress Graph (Pretest & Maintenance Checks); Paper Student Progress Graph (Mastery Checks)
- Directions for Using Excel® Spreadsheets
- Excel Spreadsheet Student Progress Graph (Pretest and Maintenance Checks)
- Excel Spreadsheet Student Progress Graph (Mastery Checks)
Solve It! processes align with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) (Click to see alignment). Solve It! also aligns with standards in states that have not adopted CCSS (Alaska, Indiana, Minnesota, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas , Virginia). Click on the individual state to review alignment.
NOTE: If you purchased the eBook version, you will download a zip file that contains a folder (“Solve It! PDF Files”) which includes the individual files for instructional use that are referenced in the book and a pdf of the Solve It! 3rd Edition book
Read an excerpt of this publication in PDF.