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Afterschool Extensions

afterschool_bookcoverAfterschool Extensions:
Including Students with Disabilities in Afterschool Programs

Exceptional Innovations e-Book Series 1
PDF – 178 pgs, 2.64MB



Help children and youth with differing abilities successfully participate in afterschool programs! Afterschool Extensions provides you with hundreds of practical strategies for enhancing your afterschool program. Featured areas include:

  • Fostering academic learning—including making the most of homework.
  • Supporting participation in activities—accommodations and modifications that work.
  • Promoting positive behavior—and addressing difficult behaviors proactively.
  • Using assistive technology—and other technology tools to enhance participation.
  • Overseeing an inclusive program—administrative tips for ensuring success.

Table of Contents
Introduction: Including Students with Disabilities in Afterschool Programs

Fostering Academic Learning

Helping Children Complete Homework
Homework Planners
Test-Taking Tips
Mathematical Problem-Solving Instruction
Afterschool Reading Partners Program
Extending Literacy
Group Story Writing
Amazing Discoverers Club

Supporting Participation in Activities

Tips for Working with Youngsters with ADHD
Involving Children with Autism
Including Youngsters with Hearing Loss
Involving Youngsters Who Have Difficulty Learning
Ways to Modify Traditional Games
Helping Children with Disabilities Play
A Win-Win Opportunity!
Waiting in the Wings
Structure Creative Drama for Success
Job Clubs
Adaptations for Art Activities
Activity Coaches Help Children Participate
Structure Transitions
Snacks–A Time for Teachable Moments

Using Assistive Technology in Afterschool Programs

Assistive technology: Tips for Afterschool Staff
Using Low-Tech Assistive Technology
Creating an Environment to Practice Writing Skills
Helping Students Prepare to Choose and Use Assistive Technology
Computer Web Sites

Promoting Positive Behavior

Children Can Be Depressed: What To Look For and What To Do
Working with Children Who Have Aggressive Tendencies
Accentuate the Positive!
Social Skills: Key to Positive Behavior
The Appropriateness of Time-Out
Talking to Students To Get Them To Do What You Want
Communicating with Children with Diverse Abilities
Ideas for Creating a Positive Classroom Climate
Help Children Understand Differences

Overseeing the Program

What Afterschool Staff Should Know About the Educational Rights of Children with Disabilities
Supervision Tips
Nutrition In Afterschool Programs
Communicating with Families
USDA Snacks
Developing Your Afterschool Program
Employee Handbook
Evaluating Your Afterschool Program
Finding Transportation Funding
Travel Training for Students with Disabilities
Focus on Your Program’s Priority Areas
Funding Your Afterschool program
Proposal Basics
Cool School
Inner City Games
Peer Link Program
Afterschool Resources on the Web

Read an excerpt of this publication in PDF.